I was introduced to the concept of Morning Meetings by a fellow teacher and I immediately fell in love with it's 4 step process. I have ordered the book The Morning Meeting Book by Roxann Kriete and can't wait to explore it. What I really wanted to share today are some of the amazing free resources that I have found for both The Morning Meeting and the other two parts of The Responsive Classroom: Teacher Language and Logical Consequences. I have posted the free resources that I have found so far that I plan to use in my class on my Freebies Page (see Freebie Topic #1). I'm dedicating this post however to the amazing resources that I found today at the following link:
The image to the left is a screenshot of some of the resources available for free download! This saved me so much money in buying resources for more ideas for morning greetings and activities! We're talking about a 60 page book of games and activities (GamesActivitiesBook - 204KB) and a 35 page book of morning greetings (GreetingsBook - 171KB). The Greetings List (64KB) and the Activities List (328KB) have even more activities. There is also a Morning Meeting Template that sets up a 5day grid layout to plan for the 4 parts to the Morning Meeting. While you're checking this link click on the Rules and Logical Consequences and Teacher Language hyperlinks on the left side bar for even more resources for these parts of The Responsive Classroom!! I have just started looking at these, but what a treasure! I've been looking into classroom management ideas to help improve my class and even school climate. I definitely think The Responsive Classroom and Morning Meetings will help with this :-) I look forward to sharing some of my experiences and hopefully successes in implementing these tools this school year! Thank you Sioux Falls School District for posting these resources!! (Don't forget to check out and follow my Freebies Page to see other freebies that I find related to this and other topics. Please share your own amazing freebie finds!!)