Thursday, July 24, 2014

Have You Seen this Book Creating App?

Creative Book Builder App

I recently received 6 iPods and 1 iPad mini to use in my classroom and have been on the pursuit this summer to learn how to set them up and what all I can do with them.  The answer to that last part is IT'S ENDLESS (I know I just shouted, but it's true!).  I started a page in this blog for tech and apps that I plan to post all of the apps and things that I discover about this and other technology that I use in my classroom.  Most apps I'm using are free, but this one is worth the $4.99 - trust me!  It's called Creative Book Builder.  This app can be used professionally and by the students.  I plan to use it with my 4th grade class.  It does everything!  I created a template of a book I want students to work on in small groups for our matter unit.   did this by setting up the chapter titles specific to the content we will be learning and making a glossary of words for students to define (I like to have students rewrite meanings and include examples by "writing it for a first grader to understand").  The app will allow students to do pretty much anything and then save it as an EPUB or PDF format. The app will upload it to Dropbox or other cloud drives, email it, and even send a copy to your iBooks app so that their book truly becomes an e-book.  As I said, students will be able to include all types of content.  Text, pictures, videos (they run within the book), even record their voice (they can make it highlight words in their story as they read it or have the page automatically say a message about a page when the reader turns to it.  Students can draw pictures, make charts and graphs within the app, make actual interactive quizzes that give the reader the answers upon completion, and include music or sounds from their device to play within the book as background or upon a given page.  And that's after I just used it a few days! A great web page I found that offers pictures, a video, and great detail about how to use is called "Using Creative Book Builder at Every Level of Bloom's" at My goal this year is to get an Apple TV so that everything we do on any device can be viewed wirelessly on the Smart Board. I plan to go to our PTO and beg for their assistance!  If fact my tech page will help me show them everything that the class can do :)  I would love to hear from anyone that uses iPods or iPads in the classroom regarding cool apps that you use!

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